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Chataverse is an NFT-gated messaging app that enables NFT holders and creators to communicate, socialize, and govern transparently and crypto-natively. Aside from NFT's financial incentive, another main reason for a person to purchase an NFT is to access and engage in its community. While most of these communities are built on Discord, the platform itself has problems such as high vulnerability to being hacked and spammed, bombarded channels that can be irrelevant, and countless bots/plug-ins that are complicated. In order to tackle these problems, Chataverse provides the following solutions: - NFT-gated group chats to prevent scams and spam (100% holders). - Freedom to create and join topic-based messaging groups within an NFT community. (ex. Azuki @ San Francisco, Bored Ape Basketball Club). - Forum-style groups for large communities that allow NFT holders to post, comment, and react. - Built-in NFT community management tools that include voting, airdrops, and event proposals. - On-chain "Chataccount" that can aggregate a user's multiple wallets across multiple chains to avoid the inconvenience of switching between wallets. Chataverse是一个NFT-Gated的社交聊天软件。Web 3.0社区需要一个专门为其量身定制的NFT gated社交聊天应用,以便用户能够透明、安全地进行社交与共同治理。用户可以在Chataverse内建立自己的社区、聊天、及发布帖子,通过NFT持有验证的方式,使得NFT Holders与社区更加紧密地联系在一起。
Moonshot Web3 Winter Hackathon
ST World
System Terminal is a UGC platform that combines 3D and AI, allowing users to create, share and monetize virtual environments and AR decorations with ease. By leveraging the data generated, we aim to train a powerful large generative model for 3D to drive down the cost of 3D content significantly. System Terminal 是一个结合 3D 和 AI 的用户生成内容平台,允许用户轻松创建、共享虚拟环境和 AR 装饰并从中获利。我们的目标是通过利用创造的数据训练一个强大的大型 3D 生成模型,以显着降低 3D 内容的成本。 我们还设计了一个新的合约,非同质化版权代币(NFCT),以促进与 3D 创作的协作关系。
Moonshot Web3 Winter Hackathon
Org3 is a decentralized organization & community management tool based on the ENS subdomain, which is a cheaper, more convenient and more secure alternative to the current popular token-gated solution. Org3 leverages the power of subdomains of ENS to build an intuitive representation of organization structure and resolution of wallet addresses that are preserved on-chain through the available ENS registry. Org3 allows users to create and distribute subdomain with minimum gas fee. Users can set rules and will have more control compared with token based solutions. Using ENS subdomain as a core, Org3 is integrating and collaborating with Dapps and DAO Tools to build a decentralized working environment. Org3 是一个基于ENS 子域名的去中心化组织及社区管理工具。相比于传统基于token的解决方案 ,Org3 是一个更便宜,更方便,更安全的替代品。Org3 利用ENS的解析服务,给用户提供了直观的组织管理结构,用户不再需要在组织中使用难以分辨的钱包地址。Org3允许用户以非常低的Gas Fee创建和分发子域名。与基于token的解决方案相比,用户可以设置很多规则并拥有更多的控制权。使用ENS子域名作为核心,Org3正在与Dapps和DAO工具集成与合作,以支持去中心化的工作环境。
Moonshot Web3 Winter Hackathon
Kommunitas is a Decentralized Crowdfunding Ecosystem governed by $KOM token, which offer real solutions for decentralized fundraising system in web3.0. Kommunitas will play as a one-stop solution for every crypto start-ups and retail investors with all the necessary features, services, integrations, and tools for DeFi experiments, innovations, and real-world solutions. Tractions: Kommunitas Launchpad by Numbers per October 2022: Projects Launched: 76 Total funds raised: $6,820,000 Unique Participants: 6,721 users Kommunitas 是一个由 $KOM 代币管理的去中心化众筹生态系统,它为 web3.0 中的去中心化筹款系统提供了真正的解决方案。 Kommunitas 将为每个加密初创企业和散户投资者提供一站式解决方案,为 DeFi 实验、创新和实际解决方案提供所有必要的功能、服务、集成和工具。 (by Google Translate) 过往成绩: Kommunitas Launchpad 至 2022 年 10 月: 启动的项目:76 募集资金总额:6,820,000 美元 独立参与者:6,721 名用户
Moonshot Web3 Winter Hackathon
Symposium Lab aims to build the global open science community that levels the playing field for all students, researchers, and scientists by connecting them to an ever-growing network of new discoveries, peer reviews, and ongoing iterations, breaking down the silos established by the traditional publishers and rewarding the hard work that empowers humanity as a whole. Symposium Lab’s product solutions build on the company’s core asset: leveraging the contributions of community members to allow customers to access, integrate, analyze, and manage data and information across organizations more efficiently and effectively. 通过AI与区块链赋能科研预印与去中心化分享数据,Symposium Lab 旨在建立全球开放科学社区,为所有学生、研究人员和科学家提供公平的科研环境,将他们连接到一个不断增长且持续进化的内容创作与同行评审网络,打破由传统出版商垄断格局并奖励推动人类文明进步的科研工作。Symposium Lab 的产品建立在公司的核心资产之上:利用社区成员的贡献,让用户能够更高效地跨组织访问、集成、分析和管理科研相关数据与信息。
Moonshot Web3 Winter Hackathon
Ladder Protocol is a decentralized NFT AMM, enabling instant NFT swaps and better price discovery. Ladder Protocol is a peer-to-peer system designed for exchanging NFTs (ERC20 | ERC721 | ERC1155) on [ETH], BSC & Polygon. *What are we solving for? Unlike other NFT marketplaces which operate on a central limit order book style of $exchange, Ladder protocol takes a different approach by using Automated Market Makers (AMM) and limit orders. By doing so, we aim to provide instant swaps for NFTs with low slippage and low fees. Ladder Protocol是一个去中心化的NFT AMM,实现即时的NFT交换和更好的价格发现。 Ladder Protocol是一个点对点的系统,旨在交换[ETH]、BSC和Polygon上的NFT(ERC20 | ERC721 | ERC1155)。 我们解决的是什么问题? 不同于其他NFT市场在$交易所的中央限价订单簿风格上运作,Ladder协议通过使用自动做市商(AMM)和限价订单采取了不同的方法。 通过这样做,我们的目标是为NFT提供低滑点和低费用的即时Swap。
Moonshot Web3 Winter Hackathon
Eigen Network
Eigen Network creates a layered proof system with constant proof size and non-trust setup, extends the zkVM with a private standard template library to support privacy-preserving computation, and builds a zkzkRollup as a privacy layer for web3.0. The core features include: Scalability: Eigen zkVM is compatible with Solidity Bytecode and the verifier can be deployed on Ethereum/Polygon/BSC. It builds a layered proof system with FRI and KZG to achieve faster proof generation, constant proof size, and low on-chain verification costs. General privacy-preserving computation: provide general ZK standard library, including AES, ECDSA, SHA256, and ZK random. Secure: leverages Layer 1’s consensus to reach the transaction’s finality and uses a decentralized sequencer with fast chained-BFT to reach the consensus of the final transaction. Developer Experience: highly EVM-equivalence, auto transpilation from Solidity Smart Contract to our assembly for arithmetization. Eigen Network 创建了一个具有恒定证明大小和无信任设置的分层证明系统,使用私有标准模板库扩展 zkVM 以支持隐私保护计算,并构建 zkzkRollup 作为 web3.0 的隐私层。 核心功能包括: 可扩展性:Eigen zkVM 兼容 Solidity Bytecode,验证者可以部署在 Ethereum/Polygon/BSC 上。 它与 FRI 和 KZG 构建分层证明系统,以实现更快的证明生成、恒定的证明大小和较低的链上验证成本。 通用隐私保护计算:提供通用ZK标准库,包括AES、ECDSA、SHA256、ZK random。 安全:利用 Layer 1 的共识来达成交易的最终性,并使用具有快速链式 BFT 的去中心化排序器来达成最终交易的共识。 开发人员体验:高度 EVM 等效性,从 Solidity 智能合约自动转换到我们的算术程序集。
Moonshot Web3 Winter Hackathon
CALDANCE position ourselves as a project between the Machinefi and Gaification model. Users exercise through the CALDANCE-certified equipment to generate real and credible exercise data. The first pain point in Web3, we want to base on valuable data development CALDANCE ECO with the physical machine to fundamentally solve and avoid the risk of Ponzi inflation & Cheating in the existing X2EARN pure virtual project. And compared to existing IoT mining projects such as Helium, our device is more applicable and usable in users' daily life, Web3 users can really enjoy our machine and at the same time enjoy exercise & gaming in the ecosystem which will give them more incentive to join us. Secondly in the traditional web2 fitness industry, it's hard to cultivate users' long-term exercise habits, as most of people are lazy. We want to leverage the web3 model to give user incentive to encourage them to develop regular exercise habits. CALDANCE 项⽬是通过MachineFi和游戏激励机制的模式,使⽤项⽬认证的实体运动器材进⾏运动锻炼,产⽣真实、可信和不可篡改的运动数据,基于这些规模化的有价值实体硬件、⽤⼾群以 及⽤⼾运动数据,通过发展成有价值的品牌和⽣态,产⽣价值收益奖励⽤⼾。
Moonshot Web3 Winter Hackathon
Organizations across fields repeatedly mention access to talent as one of their fundamental challenges. Common solutions include even more intensive reliance on personal networks as well as recruitment budget increases, leading to a rising amount of cold contacting, spammy in-mails, and paying unnecessarily high premiums for headhunters. We are building Lewk protocol: a modular protocol for showcasing personal achievements with on and off-chain records to build web3-native professional identities and referral network. By owning your identity and professional network on chain, we provide an essential utility for web3 new comers, job seekers and employers. 我们帮助 web3 构建者使用 Soul bound NFT 和可验证凭证创建用户拥有的专业身份和推荐网络。各个领域的组织都反复提到获得人才是他们面临的基本挑战之一。常见的解决方案包括更加强烈地依赖个人网络以及增加招聘预算,从而导致越来越多的冷联系、垃圾邮件以及为猎头支付不必要的高额费用。 我们正在构建的 Lewk 协议是一种模块化协议,用于通过链上和链下记录展示个人成就,以构建 web3 原生专业身份和推荐网络。通过在链上拥有您的身份和专业网络,我们为 web3 新手、求职者和雇主提供了一个必不可少的实用程序。
Moonshot Web3 Winter Hackathon
Ascendant Network is a decentralized web3 metaphysics ecosystem. We hold the belief that in order to enjoy the adventure in the everchanging crypto world, every web3er needs 10 mins daily mental rehab. Thus, Ascendant will launch a series of fun and useful metaphysical products, such as new year fortune telling, token matching and so force, to assist users in their investment decisions. Going forward, Ascendant will also launch authentic astrological products, including birth chart reading, personality tests, fortune analysis, and relationship matching, in order to help users explore themselves and receive mental consolation. Ascendant will seek innovative combinations with NFT across the product. With AIGC, Ascendant will offer users personalized and dynamic NFT in various astrology reading scenarios, and thus enable users to fully enjoy the fascination of web3 metaphysics. Ascendant Network 是一个去中心化的玄学生态。为了让web3用户在动荡不安的区块链世界中真正享受乐趣,我们主张每人每天都需要10分钟的精神康复。为此,Ascendant将以星盘为切入点发布一系列富有趣味性和实用性的产品,诸如新年财运、token 匹配等辅助用户投资的产品。随后,Ascendant也会推出本命解盘,性格测试,运势分析,合盘分析等,使用户能深入自我的探索,并获得精神的慰藉。Ascendant 将进行与NFT的多种结合形式,通过使用AIGC,在各个解盘场景给到用户个性化和动态化的NFT体验,极尽可能地享受web3玄学的魅力。
Moonshot Web3 Winter Hackathon
NFT trading suffers from high price volatility and lack of liquidity. Blue-chip projects are expensive to participate in, and usual projects are vulnerable to dumping and liquidity crises. Winner is a decentralized NFT marketplace with the following features: 1. Leverage trading: supports ERC721/ERC1155 simultaneous batch trading and leverage trading. 2. Share2Earn: allows social network sharing that helps projects go viral and trending. 3. Play2Earn: Increases participant motivation and involvement with NFT airdrops and gamification. With these distinct features, Winner can decrease the bar of NFT trading, increase liquidity, and generates more fortune and wealth in the NFT field. NFT赛道存在价格波动大和流动性不足的问题,蓝筹项目参与成本高,普通项目容易发生价格坍塌,缺乏流动性。Winner是一个去中心化的NFT交易所,它具有以下特点: 1. 杠杆交易:支持ERC721/ERC1155的混合打包出售以及杠杆交易; 2. Share2Earn:支持社交分享裂变,形成注意力经济。 3. Play2Earn:通过NFT空投以及游戏化场景,提高参与者积极性。 通过这些独特的设计,Winner可以降低NFT交易的门槛,提高流动性,为NFT市场源源不断地产生新的造富传说。
Moonshot Web3 Winter Hackathon
Creators at xCast are free to upload audio on any topic, and listeners can enjoy prosperous and unique audio content and interact with podcasters online. With an autonomous community (Bubble) with a specific NFT identity for each audio topic, xCast not only makes it easy for users to access mainstream podcast content but also accommodates a variety of subcultural sound enthusiasts. Through a benign incentive mechanism, users are encouraged to create, secondary process, distribute and consume audio content. Currently, xCast has potential partnerships with several podcasters and will go live with a Beta version of the product in the first quarter. 创作者在xCast可以自由上传任何题材的音频,听众可以享受丰富独特的音频内容,并与播客主进行在线互动。每种音频题材都拥有特定NFT身份的自治社区(Bubble),xCast不仅使用户能够轻易获取主流播客内容,更包容各种亚文化声音爱好者。通过良性激励机制,鼓励用户对音频内容进行创作,二次加工,传播和消费。目前xCast和多个播客主达成潜在合作关系,将于一季度上线产品Beta版本。
Moonshot Web3 Winter Hackathon
The Reader
B-side: Writers and copyright holders can publish books on the blockchain, launch book NFT, and sell e-books. C-side: NFT investors and readers can invest in potential book NFT, distribute e-books to get high commissions, and read to earn. B端:作家/版权方可链上出版图书,发行图书NFT,销售电子书; C端:NFT投资者/读者可投资图书NFT,分发电子书获取高分佣,阅读赚钱。
Moonshot Web3 Winter Hackathon
ZK MPC Wallet
The underlying layer built with MPC (multi-party computation) technology and zero knowledge is a de-trusted network, the private key is not generated on the user side and no one owns the private key, decentralized de-trusted nodes store part of the information and privacy exists between nodes, which is different from Multsign and all non-custodial type wallets, and its underlying paradigm builds an extremely secure information Confidentiality system, upper layer decentralized applications can easily and easily build asset management system based on this wallet. 以MPC(multi-party computation)技术以及ZK构建的底层为去信任化网络,私钥不在用户侧生成,也没有人拥有私钥,去中心化去信任化节点存储部分信息,节点之间有隐私存在,区别于Multsign以及所有非托管类钱包,其底层范式构建极度安全的信息保密体系,上层去中心化应用可基于该钱包轻松简易构建资产管理系统。
Moonshot Web3 Winter Hackathon
Descrypto (MetaSecureLabs.io) : building trustworthy and security measurement platform for web3 projects, including automated smart contract security detection and web3 infra project security testing. This is an advanced AI/ML based risk control framework with realtime computation capability to evaluate web3 projects by diligencing their code, on-chain data, and project insights etc. They effectively detect zero-day, known/unknown threats, rugpulling risk, and realtime abnormal behavior of billions of DAU applications before. Descrypto(MetaSecureLabs.io):为web3项目构建值得信赖的安全测量平台,包括自动化智能合约安全检测和web3基础设施项目安全测试。这是一个先进的基于AI/ML的风控框架,具有实时计算能力,通过仔细检查代码、链上数据和项目洞察力等来评估web3项目。他们有效地检测数以亿计的大规模DAU应用程序的零日、已知/未知威胁、风险和实时异常行为。
Moonshot Web3 Winter Hackathon
MemeBook is a Web3 intelligent investment research community developed by CodeFlyLabs. Mainly for primary and intermediate users Users can obtain accurate information about the Web3 world through intelligent recommendation and field search, including news and information, user opinions, real-time on chain transaction analysis, address assets and operations, etc. Get an intuitive sense of what's going on and feel free to participate in community interaction.Let's break through the dark forest and get a better understanding of the Web3 world and get involved in it. MemeBook是CodeFlyLabs研发的一款面向初级中级用户的Web3智能投研社区。 用户通过智能推荐与领域搜索舒适的获得Web3世界精准信息,包括新闻资讯、用户帖文观点、及时链上交易分析、地址链上资产及操作等。 从而直观地了解正在发生什么以及由哪些组成,同时可以自由的参与到社区交互与建设中,一起拨开黑暗森林的迷雾,更加清晰全面的了解Web3世界进而投身参与其中。
Moonshot Web3 Winter Hackathon
Tristan Alliance
First of all, Tristan creates Web3 identity and AA account systems for users based on their Web2 accounts (including apps, social platforms, etc.). This creation process is in line with Web2 users' habits and greatly reduces the migration cost of billions of users from Web2 to Web3. Secondly, based on Web3 identity, Tristan provides a loyalty management platform solution that connects Web2 and Web3, including soul-bound NFT (Community Activity NFT) and configurable applet matrix (Web3 Widgets) to achieve efficient asset distribution and value management for user lifecycle including: ⦁ One-click deployment of applets such as referral, activation, mini-games, and red envelopes ⦁ Customized issuance of community NFT (CAT) which carries user lifecycle value and loyalty management ⦁ App/ DApp integration and traffic infusion 首先 Tristan 解决 Web2 用户迁徙的易用问题。基于 Web2 账户(包括互联网App,社交平台等)为用户创建Web3身份和账户系统,这一过程符合Web2用户使用习惯,极大降低数十亿用户的迁徙成本。 其次Tristan提供价值、解决迁徙用户的使用意愿。通过Web3忠诚度管理方案,结合SBT和链上小程序,实现用户生命价值增长及高效资产分发,包括: ⦁ 定制发行可升级品牌社群NFT承载用户生命周期价值 ⦁ 一键部署实现拉新、促活、小游戏、口令红包等小程序 ⦁ 实现App或dApp集成和导流 Tristan中长期将演化成以Web3方式实现Web2数十亿用户认证登陆和行为证明的开放型协议。 目前项目是微软云、华为云的官方合作伙伴,也已经和Web3知名公链、DeFi、DAO、游戏工会开展公测,同时和Web2的媒体公司、跨境电商、展会公司洽谈合作。
Moonshot Web3 Winter Hackathon
Drinkup Labs
DrinkUP brings beverage brands and consumers together via NFTs with gamification and socialization feature so as to build a digital community centered around beverages. Beverage brands will therefore extend from physical world to the broader Web 3.0 world and start a brand new marketing pattern. 通过游戏化和休闲社交属性的NFT,连接饮料品牌方和用户,让用户和消费品牌通过与NFT结合,建立以饮料为中心的数字社区,让品牌从现实社交空间扩展至更广阔的Web3.0社交空间,开启品牌营销新范式。
Moonshot Web3 Winter Hackathon
Gameland provides gamers with a high-quality decentralized game social open platform to help game Producers gather players and users. Players have a strong demand for the game community, and the channel + vertical community model can give players a one-stop high-quality experience. Building a bridge connecting users for developers, solve the R&D pain points that developers are difficult to obtain high-quality feedback from players, and realize the ability to migrate content to multiple platforms for content creators, increasing the passive income ability of creators. Through an open social graph, users can easily manage their social network data and return the ownership of social data to users. Gameland为 游戏玩家提供一个发现高品质去中心化的游戏社交开放平台,帮助游戏开发商集拢玩家与用户。玩家对于游戏社区有强烈的需求,渠道+垂直社区模式能给予玩家一站式的优质体验。为开发者搭建连接用户的桥梁,解决开发者难以获得玩家高质量反馈的研发痛点,为内容创作者,实现内容多平台迁移能力,增加创作者的被动收入能力。通过开放式的社交图谱,用户可以轻松管理他们的社交网络数据并将社交数据的所有权归还给用户。
Moonshot Web3 Winter Hackathon
Avault is a disruptive way to interact with an array of web3 Defi dApps. As the one-stop omnichain yield service platform on the market, Avault's users can use any asset on any chain supported by Avault to do Omni staking, Omni copy-trading, etc on one click, so they can forget about the unwieldy cross chain experience and focus on speed, usability and what truly matters in their trade. So far, Avault has collaborated with Layerzero, Stargate, Li.FI, and GMX to implement multiple features of omnichain services. At the same time, the product has been deployed in Astar, Arbitrum, Optimism, BNB chain, and Polygon network, and has realized omni-staking & compounding with full currency on the above networks. Avault 提供了顛覆以往 web3 Defi dApp 交互的方式。 作為市面上一站式的全鏈收益服務平台,Avault的用戶可以使用Avault支持的任意一條鏈上的任意資產,一鍵進行Omni Staking、Omni Copy-trading等操作,忘卻繁瑣的跨鏈體驗並專注於速度、可用性以及在他們的交易中真正重要的東西。 到目前為止,Avault 已經與 Layerzero、Stargate、Li.FI 和 GMX 合作,開發並實現了 Omnichain 服務的多項功能。 同時,產品已部署在Astar、Arbitrum、Optimism、BNB chain、Polygon network,並在上述網絡實現全幣種全鏈質押和複投。
Moonshot Web3 Winter Hackathon
Discoverse aims to build an SBT-based open social network. With the help of self-developed SBT protocol, it helps depict the multi-dimensional digital identity of each individual, forms an exclusive social identity data set, and enables everyone to generate their Metaverse passport. Based on the self-developed protocol, we launched an exemplary mobile application, which provides functions such as SBT distribution and receiving, soul friends recommendations. By reducing the understanding costs of Web2 users, we want to realize the capture and migration of massive off-chain data, including social relations and social identities. Discoverse旨在建立一个基于灵魂图谱的开放社交网络,依托自研的灵魂凭证协议,刻画每个个体的多维数字身份,形成专属社交身份数据集,让每个人拥有自己的元宇宙护照,并基于数字身份探索和挖掘社会节点间的连接价值,推动去中心化社会治理。项目在自研协议的基础上开发并上线了移动端示范应用,以接近Web2的体验提供了便捷的灵魂凭证收发、灵魂好友推荐等功能,通过降低Web2用户认知成本,实现社交关系、社会身份等海量链下数据的捕获和迁移。
Moonshot Web3 Winter Hackathon
Scale Protocol
Scale Protocol is positioned to provide users with clear and transparent dealmaking derivatives trading. The team developed a new DPF (Dealer Price Feeds) trading model, realizing a more concise and smooth trading process with high leverage and low fees. Combined with the intelligent algorithm model, Scale maximizes the utilization rate of the capital and provides traders with better trading depth. At the same time, the protocol aggregates multiple assets, including but not limited to cryptocurrency, foreign exchange, precious metals, commodities, etc., to help traders achieve various asset hedging, and reduce trading risks. The team is committed to continuous innovation and iteration of the on-chain derivatives trading, providing a better trading experience, attracting more traders to join the Web3 world, and enjoying fair and smooth decentralized financial services. Scale Protocol产品定位于为用户提供清晰透明的交易撮合的衍生品交易协议。团队独具创新开发的DPF交易模式,通过高杠杆低费率实现交易流程更加简洁顺畅,并结合智能算法模型,实现最大化资金的利用率,为交易者提供更为优秀的交易深度。同时平台聚合了丰富的资产标的,包括但不限于加密货币、外汇、贵金属、大宗商品等,帮助交易者实现各类资产对冲,降低交易风险。团队致力于在链上衍生品交易协议上持续创新迭代,提供更优质的交易体验, 吸引更多交易伙伴加入Web3的世界,畅享公平顺畅的去中心化金融服务。
Moonshot Web3 Winter Hackathon
Ghost NFT
GhostNFT rental protocol is a non-ownership-transferred, collateral-free protocol. GhostNFT is compatible with NFT/SBT collections with any EIP standard. GhostNFT allows application team to deploy rental contract indicating any combination of application and NFT collection in a self-service, permissionless way. GhostNFT协议无需NFT资产转移和超额抵押,带来更好的安全性和资金效率,且支持任何标准的NFT/SBT的租赁。GhostNFT租赁市场支持应用方无许可的自助部署租赁合约,可以自行指定应用项目和NFT collection一对多和多对一的租赁组合。
Moonshot Web3 Winter Hackathon
More DAOs and decentralized communities are emerging, but they are encountering organizational challenges such as defining community boundaries, recording members' contributions, assigning governance weights, and facilitating member mobility between communities. Solas solves these issues by creating a no-threshold badge sending, receiving, and displaying DApp. Anyone in Solas can represent themselves or the organization by issuing badges to others; badges can represent participation credentials, community roles, skill certifications, or contribution records. Because these badges are non-transferable, they serve as a member's reputation within and across communities. 越来越多的DAO和去中心化的社区在涌现,但是它们开始面临如何界定社区边界、记录成员贡献、分配治理权重、成员在社区间流动等组织问题。Solas 为了解决这些问题,设计一个无门槛的徽章收发和展示dapp。任何人都可以在solas中代表自己、或者代表组织,向其他人颁发徽章;徽章可以代表参与凭证、社区角色、技能认证或者贡献记录等。这些徽章不可转移,因此构成了成员在社区内和跨社区的声誉。通证化的声誉进而可以作为参与投票、门禁或财务授权的凭证。 Solas已经在多个社区测试,近期将进行多链部署,并通过网页端插件桥接web3项目与web2社交平台。
Moonshot Web3 Winter Hackathon
EquitySwap provides a new market cap growth model that enables projects always have good liquidity on price rises. It also reduces impermanent loss and trading slippage. For new projects: there is better liquidity even without external adding liquidity. For mainstream coins: impermanent loss is reduced to about one-tenth of Uniswap, users and market makers can get rising profits and 30%-100% annualized returns. Combined with the precise incentive and rebate mechanism, it can gradually replace CEX to achieve the full decentralization of trading. EquitySwap 首创了新的市值增长模型,让项目在价格上涨的过程中始终有较好的流动性,同时能降低无常损失和交易滑点。 对于新上线的项目:在无外界添加流动性的情况下,当项目市值上涨到十万亿美元时,仍然具有较好的流动性。 对于主流币:无偿损失降到 Uniswap 的十分之一左右,用户和做市商质押流动池既可享受到价格上涨的红利,又能享受到 30% - 100% 的年化收益。 新功能搭配精确的激励机制,可以逐步取代 CEX,实现交易的全面去中心化。
2023 ETHShanghai Hackathon
Lumiterra is a multiplayer, open-world survival crafting game where you can battle, farm with your friends or mysterious collected creatures in a vast world! Lumiterra is more than a game We have placed defi users, gamefi users, players into a coexisting system, where each type of user can pursue their needs. Lumiterra 是一款多人在线、开放世界的冒险游戏,在这个广阔的世界中,你可以与不同玩家一起进行战斗,种植作物,捕捉怪物,打造不同装备与武器,探索新奇的事物! 同时 Lumiterra 不仅仅是一款好玩的游戏:过去区块链游戏把将不同类型的用户混合在一起,导致各种利益冲突以及 Ponzi 情况。我们创新的把 DeFi 用户、GameFi 用户(打金玩家)和游戏玩家置于一个共存的系统中,每种类型的用户都可以追求自己的需求,通过满足这些需求以及整体游戏中的商品经济机制,我们构建了一个整体上由三个增强飞轮组成的健康经济系统。
2023 ETHShanghai Hackathon
Soulcial is a self-generated social metaverse driven by on-chain behavior and real-world data. Based on personality traits and accumulating SoulScore, users can co-create with AI and generate SoulCast NFT as personalized social assets. These SoulCasts can be collected, showcased and combined to build user's own soul-centric metaverse. It helps everyone connect with more soulmates and earn additional tokens. Soulcial 是一个基于链上行为与现实世界数据的自生成社交元宇宙。依托自研的社交活动评估模型,用户可以和 AI 共创个性化的社交资产,绑定自己的社交分数,并开展基于 AI 算法驱动的社交活动,进而构建独特的灵魂社交元宇宙。项目可以帮助用户在找到灵魂伙伴的同时不断积累自己的去中心化社交图谱。
2023 ETHShanghai Hackathon
Non Fungible Time
"Non-Fungible Time," a transcendent web3 protocol that bestows upon each passing day the power of a time capsule. Step into a realm where time becomes a cherished vessel, ready to embrace the profound moments and treasured memories that weave the tapestry of our lives. Non-Fungible Time 是一个超越的 Web3 协议,赋予每一个过去的日子时间胶囊的力量。步入一个时间变成了珍贵的容器的领域,准备拥抱那些编织我们生活的深刻时刻和珍贵回忆。(by translation software)
2023 ETHShanghai Hackathon
GasLockR uses a ZK coprocessor for historic gas prices, offering real-time, verified pricing models to hedge gas price volatility. As on-chain infra, it builds protocols and services for improved reliability and UX. Integrated with other wallets/services like Account Abstraction, it enables SLAs for users to rely on blockchain transactions. GasLockR's key services are gas insurance, offering a premium for future gas price protection, and gas fee subscription, enabling ERC20 token/fiat to subscribe to Dapps based on transaction count or period. GasLockR 使用 ZK 协处理器来获取历史 Gas 价格,提供实时和可验证的定价模型的衍生品来对冲 Gas 价格波动的风险。作为链上基础设施,它可以构建协议和服务,来提高区块链可靠性和用户体验等问题。我们提出 GasFi 一词,并把GasLockR 作为第一个免信任的 GasFi 衍生品协议。借助 GasLockR,其他钱包或服务如帐户抽象 (ERC-4337) 将能够为其用户提供 SLA,从而让用户和组织依赖区块链生态。基于 GasLockR,我们提供服务包括:可交易的 Gas保险,为未来 Gas 价格提供保费;以及 Gas Fee订阅,用户可以使用 ERC20 代币或法币,根据交易数量或时间周期订阅 Dapp 的交互操作。
2023 ETHShanghai Hackathon
Age of Navigation
This is a fully on-chain game that combines real-time strategy, looter, and dark forest survival elements. But we are not just play for fun, Emotions brought by AON are not just leisurely, but rather a range of emotions, such as fear, relief, and so on. For an individual player the game map Satosea is covered by the fog of war, and mimcHash is used to encrypt the coordinates. Various resources, artifacts and other players are hidden under the fog. Anyone is free to explore here. 游戏地图是一片被战争迷雾覆盖的 Satosea,使用 mimcHash 对坐标进行加密。迷雾下隐藏着各种资源、神器还有其他玩家。任何人都可以在Satosea 中自由探索。游戏使用 MUD 作为引擎,将 satosea 场景的信息存储在链上智能合约中。随着航行,玩家演算合约上对应参数,战争迷雾会被揭开。玩家使用 POW 算法挖掘地图上的资源,或捡取神器。资源将成为游戏内交易、质押的代币,而神器则可以强化各种游戏表现。所有人之间可以互相攻击,掠夺财产。玩家在执行动作,如挖掘资源或攻击时,会暂时向所有人暴露位置。因此需要隐匿自己的踪迹,获取别人的信息。这其中包含丰富的策略和玩法。
2023 ETHShanghai Hackathon
Autochessia is a auto chess game like Dota2 auto chess, but built fully on chain, which means not only all states of game are read from and stored in blockchain storage, but also all processes related to game playing are implemented by smart contracts. Believing fully on-chain game would brings the next generation UGC paradigm, we make this game and try to make it extensible. During hackathon, to make this game possible on-chain, we implemented JPS(jump point search) in solidity, designed the game tick, and introduced VRF as true random. Autochessia 是一款自走棋游戏,但完全运行在区块链上,这意味着不仅所有的游戏状态都是从区块链存储中读取和存储的,而且所有与游戏相关的过程都是通过智能合约实现的。 我们相信全链游戏将带来下一代UGC模式,所以我们制作了这款游戏并尝试着让它具有可扩展性。 为了使该游戏能够在链上运行,我们在solidity中实现了JPS(jump point search),设计了游戏最小间隔,并引入了VRF作为真随机数。
2023 ETHShanghai Hackathon
Cellula is a fully on-chain artificial life simulation game. Players explore, cultivate, evolve, and collect unique Life forms in the game. In this game, the rules of Conway's Game of Life are considered the genetic code of the Life forms, determining their forms and vitality. Using the game's crafting table, players can freely create a variety of genetic sequences and give birth to their own on-chain Life forms. These Life forms have unique appearances and properties, and exhibit diverse life forms. Cellula 是一个完全基于区块链的人工生命模拟游戏。玩家在游戏中探索、培育、进化和收集独特的生命形态。在这个游戏中,康威的生命游戏的规则被视为生命形态的基因代码,决定了它们的形态和活力。玩家可以使用游戏的工作台自由地创造各种基因序列,产生他们自己的基于区块链的生命形态。这些生命形态有独特的外观和属性,并展示出多样的生命形态。(by translation software)
2023 ETHShanghai Hackathon
BitPoW is a Layer 1 blockchain that is the most innovative in the crypto industry after Bitcoin and Ethereum. The project's team has discovered the first useful PoW algorithm, named EcoPoW, which is the directly upgrade of existing PoW with minimal change. BitPoW allows for almost free gas fees, making it a more affordable and accessible option for users. BitPoW is resistant to mining pools, which is more decentralized than Bitcoin. BitPoW 基于第一个有用的工作量证明。在此革新驱动下,公链可以实现超越比特币的去中心化,移除矿池,并给链用户提供无与伦比的低 gas 成本。于此同时,丝毫不会影响区块链的安全性,也不会鼓励挖矿军备竞赛和贪婪的耗能。
2023 ETHShanghai Hackathon
Lumi Finance
Lumi Finance serves as an investment platform focused on sustainable wealth preservation. By using LUA as collateral, Lumi Finance provides zero liquidation-risk loans with negative interest rates, allowing borrowers to earn yield on their debt. These loans carry no liquidation risk, as the total LUA debt never surpasses the token's floor value (guaranteed minimum value). Borrowers of LUA do not need to pay ongoing fees to liquidity providers, resulting in negative interest. Lumi Finance 是一个专注于持续财富保值的投资平台。 通过使用 LUA 作为抵押品,Lumi Finance 提供了零清算风险且具有负利率的贷款,使得借款人可以在其债务上获得收益。这些贷款没有清算风险,因为 LUA 总债务永远不会超过代币的底价(保证的最低价值)。LUA 的借款人不需要向流动性提供者支付持续的费用而产生负利息。
2023 ETHShanghai Hackathon
IZAR is a groundbreaking privacy-preserving interoperability protocol that seamlessly connects the Ethereum and Aleo ecosystems. We offer unparalleled support for heterogeneous chain arbitrary message cross-chain communication. Utilizing advanced zero-knowledge cryptography, IZAR ensures fully private cross-chain transactions while maintaining robust user privacy and security. Additionally, the protocol is designed to incorporate a novel governance model and zkSnark multisig verification to further enhance its capabilities and user trust. IZAR 是开创性的隐私保护互操作性协议,无缝连接以太坊和 Aleo 生态系统。我们为异构链任意消息的跨链通信提供了全面的支持,打通生态之间的流动性,利用行业领先的零知识密码学技术,实现完全私密的跨链交易。此外,该协议还将引入全新的治理模型(1000 个去中心化验证者)和 zkSnark 多签验证,来解决目前跨连桥的中心化问题,进一步提高跨连桥的安全性和用户信任度。
2023 ETHShanghai Hackathon
Chain Food
Chain.Food is the first non-profit Dapp in the Ethereum ecosystem (to solve the problem of food waste). Users can access free food information, publish lists and verify their identities through ERC addresses. Use FoodCoin tokens to incentivize users to receive or donate food. Layer2 tokens can be airdropped rewards through sbt obtained by users. 100% transparency of public welfare funds guaranteed on the chain. Chain Food 是以太坊生态系统中第一个非营利性 Dapp(解决食物浪费问题)。 用户可以通过ERC地址获取免费食品信息、发布列表并验证身份。 使用 FoodCoin 代币来激励用户接收或捐赠食物。 Layer2 代币可以通过用户获得的 SBT 进行空投奖励。 链上保障公益资金 100% 透明度。
2023 ETHShanghai Hackathon
We set up a comprehensive standard for measuring the alignment of AI with human ethics, demonstrating the bias level and values of AI models on various issues through rankings, profiling, etc. Everyone can contribute to the Allditors DAO by providing test data, proposing audit issues and methods, etc., and receive NFTs and tokens representing governance and dividend rights, and profit from the financial market built on them. Allditors DAO will be a strong, influential community focused on AI issues. 我们全方位衡量 AI 与人类伦理对齐程度,通过排名、画像等形式展示模型在不同议题的偏见水平、价值观等表现。人们可以通过提供测试数据、提出审计事项和方法贡献、获得 NFT、并在基于此建立的市场获利。
2023 ETHShanghai Hackathon
Protocol Sign
web3 privacy electronic signature, asset and identity carrier. It can be signed in a private manner, and only you can know the content of the contract. We have also created an AI contract generation tool, which can generate the contract you need in one sentence. Plus it's not just signatures. Electronic signatures are the carrier of assets. Essentially what we want to do is create programmable credentials on the chain for real-world assets. This can provide users with identity and asset ownership, freedom, and liquidity. web3 隐私电子签名、资产和身份载体。 能够以隐私方式签署合同,合同内容只有您自己知道。 我们还打造了一款 AI 合约生成工具,一句话就能生成你需要的合约。 另外,这不仅仅是签名。 电子签名是资产的载体。 本质上,我们想要做的是在链上为现实世界的资产创建可编程凭证。 这可以为用户提供身份和资产所有权、自由度和流动性。
2023 ETHShanghai Hackathon
We create a prompt marketplace on a decentralized chain, fueled and sustained by Web3 tokenomics. Tokenizing prompts can actualize the potential market. MEGAxis can create a marketplace where prompt engineers can earn tokens for creating and selling high-quality prompts. The better their prompts perform, the more valuable their tokens become. MEGAxis can also use Web3 tokenomics to create a community around the platform. For example, users who hold tokens could be given voting rights on platform decisions, upvote and downvote prompts. 我们在去中心化的链上创建了一个由 Web3 代币经济驱动和维持的提示市场。代币化提示可以实现潜在的市场。MEGAxis 可以创建一个市场,在这个市场上,提示工程师可以通过创建和销售高质量的提示来获得代币。他们的提示表现得越好,他们的代币就越有价值。MEGAxis 还可以使用 Web3 代币经济学来创建围绕平台的社区。例如,持有代币的用户可能会被赋予在平台决策上的投票权,对提示进行赞成和反对投票。(by translation software)
2023 ETHShanghai Hackathon
Metavoice is a Voice-Enabled MetaMask Wallet product, specifically designed with an objective to empower the visually impaired. key features of Metavoice: 1. Voice Command Integration 2. Multilingual Support 3. Intuitive Design Metavoice 是一个带有语音功能的 MetaMask 钱包产品,特别设计出来的目标是为了赋予视力障碍人士权利。我们认识到视力有限或无视力的个体面临的一个重大问题——复杂的界面导航和事务管理对他们来说是艰巨的任务。我们着手创造一个能够为这些个体提供无缝直接访问他们加密钱包的解决方案,而 Metavoice 就是这个努力的结果。 Metavoice 的一些主要特性: 1.语音命令集成 2.多语种支持 3.直观的设计 Metavoice 不仅仅是一个产品,是向一个更包容的未来迈出的一步,一个技术公平服务于每一个人的未来。
2023 ETHShanghai Hackathon
ChainEye aims to build world-leading free and open-source omnichain analytical tools for retail investors. Users can find interesting opportunities among L1/L2s such as yield farming, trading&lending, NFTs, airdrops, token monitors, DAO governance, etc. We currently support Optimism, Starknet, Arbitrum, and zkSyncEra and will add more Layer1/2 chains in the near future. To support building a thriving ecosystem in layer1/2, RPC List is built as a courtesy for developers/users. ChainEye 旨在为 Web3 散户投资者构建世界领先的免费开源全链分析工具。用户可以利用工具找到有趣的机会,例如流动性挖矿、交易和借贷、非同质化代币(NFT)、空投、代币监测、DAO 治理等。我们目前支持 Optimism、Starknet、Arbitrum 和 zkSyncEra,并将在不久的将来添加更多的一层和二层链。为了支持在一层/二层构建繁荣的生态系统,我们还提供了RPC 列表作为对开发者/用户的一种礼遇。
2023 ETHShanghai Hackathon
WASM-Cairo is a Webassembly Infura facility built on Ethereum's second layer, Starknet. It allows Cairo code to run in a browser and no server is needed. This means we can run something like a light Starknet node, a Kakarot EVM, and more apps from the browser without any setup. WASM-Cairo 是一个基于 Webassembly 开发的 Starknet L2 基础设施,使得我们可以在任何地方(本机,后端,以及浏览器)中运行任何由Cairo编写的应用--我们甚至可以在浏览器中运行Kakarot zkEVM 而无需任何配置和硬件/服务器需求。
2023 ETHShanghai Hackathon
Sodium Wallet
Sodium wallet utilizes ERC-4337, ZK and MPC technology, enabling users to onboard with ease and manage assets with extreme security. Further more, Sodium wallet provide wallet as a service for dapps. Sodium钱包利用零知识证明(ZK)和多方计算(MPC)技术,使用户可以在无需复杂工作流程或加密知识的情况下访问去中心化应用程序(dapps)。 此外,Sodium 钱包还为去中心化应用程序提供钱包作为一项服务。
2023 ETHShanghai Hackathon
Privacy and data security are major concerns in the digital era. While logging into any app when we click on sign in with Google, the 3rd party app has all the access to our personal data which Google has in its database. It can save personal info fields in its own database, which is not required. zkGATE is a login protocol which 3rd party apps can integrate, through which only the information which is required by the app is passed to it while the rest information is encrypted as a zero-knowledge proof stored in an NFT acting as an access pass. 在数字时代,隐私和数据安全是主要的关注点。当我们点击 "使用 Google 登录" 进入任何应用程序时,第三方应用就能获得 Google 数据库中我们的所有个人数据。它可以在自己的数据库中保存个人信息字段,而这些字段其实并不必要。zkGATE 是一个第三方应用可以集成的登录协议,通过这个协议,只有应用程序所需要的信息才会传递给它,而剩余的信息则会被加密成零知识证明,并存储在一个扮演访问通行证的 NFT 中。(by translation software)
2023 ETHShanghai Hackathon
Lounge technologies provide a suite of api/sdk products to help integrate blockchain technologies into existing legacy systems. dAPPs are confusing, they spend millions on attracting customers yet many still find them hard to use. In order for mass market to adopt Web3, we at Lounge reckon that apps should adapt to the existing customers' behaviours instead of asking them to pick up new ones. As such, we have developed a series of core APIs and SDKs to help Web2 companies onboard into Web3 in a swift and simple manner. By calling our APIs, Web2 companies could now serve tickets as NFTs, Web3 companies can get rid of metamask and all the troubles with 24 phrases mnemoic passwords and allow users to customize their preferred username and password. Users can then communicate, transact, and interact with each others based on their usernames instead of typing in the hash addresses. There are many many more to what Lounge could provide, and we aim to allow users to gain access to both Web2 and Web3 world through one simple account, creating the Web 2.5 world that even our grandmas could use. 什么样的去中心化应用可以让我们的父母辈畅用呢?Lounge 认为,这些应用必须简单上手,并且符合现有的用户习惯。以此为基础,Lounge 开发了一系列核心 API 和 SDK,帮助 Web2 公司快速将业务上链。包括利用 NFT 进行票务验证,零知识证明简化助记词成为简单的用户名和密码,通过用户名而不是哈希地址进行沟通(类似于 telegram ),转账等一系列底层技术。通过 Lounge,用户可以自定义用户名密码,并通过同一个账户同时进入 Web2 以及 Web3 世界,大大降低了用户获取门槛。
Moonshot Web3 2022 Summer Hackathon
Web3Graph is an open-graph based protocol that provides standard, easy, and efficient access to Web3.0 participants. We use bi-partite representation instead of the commonly used social graph models to represent, label and index data. This representation allows more efficient construction models of relationship among entities and events. Web3Graph protocol collects both off-chain and on-chain data. Our Event Engine process the data to represent via bi-partite system and allows easy labeling and indexing. We are building variety of access channels for Web2.0 and Web3.0 participants to access using Web3Graph protocol: SDK, Open API, GraphQL, Browser Extension and direct access to Smart Contracts will enable the participants reach and find the data in an easy and painless way. Web3Graph 是一个开放图谱协议,为 Web3 参与者提供标准、简洁和高效的数据访问方式。Web3Graph 协议会同时收集链上和链下的数据。我们为使用者提供多种访问方式包括:SDK、Open API、GraphQL、浏览器插件和对智能合约的直接访问等等,使参与者能够轻松访问和查找数据。
Moonshot Web3 2022 Summer Hackathon
Flamingle: Web3 social based on In-Real-Life events. Flamingle aims to build a more natural Web3 social space and enrich DID social graphs by enabling users to naturally socialize through the strong social nature of In-Real-Life events. Flamingle Labs is solving the problem of the lack of real and active users in the web3 social space by transforming the deep in-person connections to DID. Flamingle combines in-person and online social to build a more meaningful DID ecosystem. Flamingle has reached a collaboration with CyberConnect and will integrate CyberConnect into the app. Flamingle will launch its first public version in early July. Flamingle Labs 致力于通过线下活动的强社交属性让用户自然地进行 Web3 社交,从而构建一个更真实的 Web3 社交空间和更丰富的分布式社交账号图谱(Decentralized Identities)。Flamingle Labs 希望通过转化线下活动来解决现在 Web3 社交有效用户过少,充满虚假账号,及用户 DID 过于扁平的问题。Flamingle 将把线下活动和线上社交相结合,帮助建立一个更有意义的 DID 社交生态。据悉,目前 Flamingle 已和 CyberConnect 达成合作意向。Flamingle 将于 7 月初上线第一版产品。
Moonshot Web3 2022 Summer Hackathon
magipop DAO wanna be a decentralized Marvel in Web3. magipop's first co-created sci-fi IP, 140,000-word visual novel, Bubble Observers, will soon be serialized and renewed in various channels. The physical book will be available in the China mainland market in early July, with celebrity recommendations from Luo Jinhai, Zhou Siyi, Lin Chao, Stanley Chen Qiufan, Hao Jingfang. Two Twitter accounts "@magipop_dao" and "@BubbleObservers" reached 10K+ fans in one week. Discord community reached 10k+ members. Besides, magipop is cooperating with various overseas design brands, web2.0, and web3.0 projects such as TIBI, Tmall IP Mart, JUNPING, F996, Sad Frog, HiPanda. The project also received multiple crypto fund commitment. magipop 是一个旨在成为 “web3 漫威” 的 creator DAO,期待在 web3 孵化好的 IP 、探索新的商业模式。经过 6 个月时间发展,magipop 有 100 余个核心创作者,比如著名科幻作家陈楸帆;1 万多个 DAO 成员 ;10 余个 Ecosystem Partners ,包括 STEPN 的 Jerry,RSS3 的 Joshua 等;官方媒体共计 25k Followers;第一次公开共创 ‘Earth2026’ 参与人数过万, magipop 从 0 到 1 孵化的第一个 IP 为 Bubble Observers,目前已与时代华语合作拟 7 月初出版发售 14 万字图书,该书受到了郝景芳、所长林超、陈楸帆、罗金海、周思益等大咖的推荐;海外线上持续连载更新视觉小说和视觉、互动游戏内容。
Moonshot Web3 2022 Summer Hackathon
UniAsset is a decentralized trading platform offering Metaverse digital asset securitization service, with a vision to be the leader of Metaverse fixed asset derivative sales & trading market. For the current phase, we are focusing on providing $1 price tracking service to over 2 million retail NFT traders. UniAsset as a platform connects LP and retail traders, offers retails 1:1 price-tracking uNFT (such as uBAYC) trading solutions, and uses the liquidity from LP to conduct AMM (Automated Market Making) to earn liquidity premium and commission fee. Due to the nature of the business, the platform will accumulate positive cash flow very soon after launch and has no risk exposure to various price movements, thus can stably & safely generate revenue regardless of market’s bear or bull. UniAsset 是一家提供元宇宙数字资产证券化服务的去中心化金融交易平台,愿景成为元宇宙固定资产衍生品销售与交易的龙头服务提供商。起步阶段,我们将聚焦于“蓝筹NFT”(如 Azuki、BAYC),为超两百万散户投资者提供一美元追踪蓝筹 NFT 底价的服务。UniAsset 将作为平台撮合 LP 和散户交易者,向散户提供 1:1 追踪蓝筹NFT底价的 uNFT(如 uBAYC)的交易服务,并通过 LP 提供的流动性进行自动做市,赚取流动性溢价与佣金。平台将会在正式运行后迅速积累正现金流且不承担风险敞口,因此不论市场牛熊均可以稳定盈利。
Moonshot Web3 2022 Summer Hackathon
Along with the development of the Internet, the evolution of e-commerce is manifested in the evolution of the product and user aggregation method. In Web3Shop, designers directly design products for NFT IP in the user's wallet, thus realizing accurate aggregation between the product side and the user side, replacing the search and algorithmic recommendation logic of web1 and web2. Its advantages include reducing customer acquisition costs on the product side and increasing engagement on the user side. Web3Shop's vision is to help designers achieve low-cost entrepreneurship and become an economic platform for creators that unites the world's best creativity. Web3shop's short-term business goal is to tap into the $100 billion premium apparel (Top ware) market and the $300 billion luxury goods market by leveraging the creative power of designers around the world. 伴随互联联网的发展,电子商务的演进方式,表现为产品和用户两端撮合方式的演进。在 web3shop,设计师直接针对用户钱包里 NFT IP 展开商品设计,进而实现产品端和用户端的精准撮合,代替 web1 时代的搜索和 web2 时代的算法推荐逻辑。其优势包括降低产品端的获客成本和提高用户端的参与度。 Web3shop 的愿景是帮助设计师实现低成本创业,成为凝聚全球优秀创造力的创作者经济平台。Web3shop 的短期商业目标,是利用全球设计师的创作能力,打入价值 1000 亿美元的高档服饰(Top ware)市场和价值 3000 亿的奢侈品市场。
Moonshot Web3 2022 Summer Hackathon
OFF-SET: Token rewards for environmental stewardship in Web 3 Sweetgum Labs is building OFF-SET, a Green-to-earn mobile dApp that helps individuals understand, record, visualize, and exchange climate impact and carbon footprint data. There are gamification elements to engage users to build up a green metaverse. The first use case is Drive-EV-to-Earn Sweetgum Labs 枫香树实验室致力于打造基于 Web3 的碳普惠生态,由耶鲁大学的团队创立,核心产品是一款 Green-to-earn 的去中性化应用OFF-SET。通过游戏化的方式,助力个人用户了解、学习、记录、并最终变现个人的环境影响力和碳足迹。通过 Hyper tokenization, 产品围绕个人用户打造属于用户自己的 ESG Profile,实现大数据的个人所有权。
Moonshot Web3 2022 Summer Hackathon
DeLiquid aims to build the future of Web3 interoperability and help everyone around the globe enter the multi-chain future by providing a non-custodial multi-chain crypto wallet. Our wallet currently has 3 unique features: 1) one seed phrase, access all blockchains (for alpha product launch, we will support 6 chains: Ethereum, Solana, Polygon, Binance Smart Chain, Avalanche, Cosmos). 2) a swap & bridge aggregator that helps users transfer assets across chains with the lowest quotes on the market. 3) fully explore the multi-chain DApps without the need to switch wallets. For our future roadmap, DeLiquid will open source our multi-chain SDK that will empower future multi-chain DApps such as multi-chain crypto payment, etc. Also, DeLiquid won the 1st place in 2022 Circle Hackathon DeFi track. 随着越来越多新的 non-EVM 链和 layer-1/layer-2 链的出现,Web3 用户对多链条应用的需求也在逐渐变大。DeLiquid 是一个非托管形跨链钱包,愿景是建造未来 web3 的互通性。目前主要支持的功能有 3 个:1)一套助记词连接所有的区块链(包括 EVMs 和 non-EVMs);2) 一个跨链的 Swap 和 Bridge 的整合器,帮助用户在市场上找到最低价和最快速的 Swap 和 Bridge 服务;3)仅需要一个钱包,就可以与多链的去中心化应用进行交互。同时 DeLiquid 在中后期阶段会开源多链的 SDK,能够为去中心化的多链应用提供了基础设施(包括去中心化的虚拟货币支付及收款等)。DeLiquid 获得 2022 Circle Hackathon DeFi Track 第一名。
Moonshot Web3 2022 Summer Hackathon
HyperEX is a web-based 3D multiplayer online role-playing game and a spatial location-based real-time multiplayer video meeting tool. HyperEX allows users to manipulate their virtual characters to experience rich online activities in 3D space and interact with more players in a realistic way. At the same time, HyperEX puts the design and ownership of the space back in the hands of the users, allowing them to design and publish their own spaces and games, and to leverage HyperEX's video calling and multiplayer location synchronization infrastructure to enable a variety of online entertainment experiences. HyperEX has already received a large number of intents to use and requests for internal testing from companies, including X ACADEMY, the largest youth summer program in China, Zhen Fund, Box Community, MixLab, TEA Community, etc. The product is already in the internal testing stage. HyperEX 是一款基于网页的三维多人在线角色扮演游戏及基于空间位置的实时多人视频通话工具。用户进入 HyperEX 后可操纵自己的角色在三维空间体验丰富的线上活动、并真实地与更多玩家进行真实的互动。同时,HyperEX 将空间的设计和归属权回归用户,用户可设计和发布属于自己的场景、空间以及游戏,并利用 HyperEX 的视频通话及多人位置同步等基础设施,可实现多种多样的线上娱乐体验。目前 HyperEX 已获得大量公司的使用意向和内测请求,包括国内规模最大的青年暑期项目 X ACADEMY、真格基金、盒子社区、MixLab、TEA 社区等,产品已在内测阶段。
Moonshot Web3 2022 Summer Hackathon
Oracle aims to connect real-world computation and data feeds to blockchain and is widely used in web3 applications. SaaS3 leverages SON network to eliminate the security issues to protect on-chain assets and logics. Any kind of web2 API can easily and permissionlessly be deployed on SaaS3 decentralized serverless runtime (dRuntime) to make oracle more similar to a smart contract. Dapp developers are no longer required to rent a centralized AWS server to host their oracle software and no longer require permission from a centralized organization such as Chainlink and API3 to deploy their customizable oracles to support more data sources and trustful off-chain computations. SaaS3 is based on Polkadot ecosystem and will be integrated with more public chains. 预言机,将区块链安全连接至链下系统的中间层,通过数据提供商、web API 等接入各类数据。SaaS3 通过构建安全预言机网络 (SON) 以消除中心化计算资源,避免中心化带来的安全隐患。任何无服务器的 web2 API 都可以轻松部署,让预言机变得像 smart contract 一样更易用、更去中心化。基于波卡生态,使得 SaaS3 作为基础设施,在未来能拓展到更多的公链上。
Moonshot Web3 2022 Summer Hackathon
In the long term, NFT, as a data structure standard that provides the ability to confirm rights, is a bridge between every user and Web3. Everyone should be able to express themselves easily through NFT, but the current NFT creation technology has a high threshold and complex procedure. Amadeus NFT is a no-code platform designed for NFT creators, which can solve the problems of NFT batch combination generation, rarity allocation, decentralized storage, smart contract deployment and management, mint web page, etc. in a one-stop manner, covering the whole product side process of NFT project production. The current online link is: https://www.amadeus-nft.io 长远来看,NFT 作为提供确权能力的数据结构标准,是每一位用户与 Web3 的桥梁。每个人都应当能便捷地通过NFT来自我表达,但当前 NFT 创作技术门槛高且链路复杂。 Amadeus-nft 是为 NFT 创作者设计的无代码平台,一站式解决 NFT 批量组合生成、稀有度调配、去中心化存储、智能合约部署及管理、Mint 网页等问题,覆盖 NFT 项目制作的产品侧全流程。 目前上线链接为:https://www.amadeus-nft.io
Moonshot Web3 2022 Summer Hackathon
afu ™ is a metaverse application social app, focusing on the functions of B & B space decoration, virtual outings and activities to earn tokens. We creatively divide online space into 2D (outdoor) and 3D (indoor). Users' personal indoor space is in 3D style, allowing users to create personalized space through simple drag and drop, and they can also go outdoors with friends, and use our 2D long video space to truly meet the current online outing immersion of mobile terminals. In addition, users can also participate in games through random activities in the chat room to obtain benefits, which can be used to upgrade their exquisite indoor space and incubate pets. This product aims to create a popular product that connects web2 and Web3. At present, this product has nearly 700,000 followers on the Internet. Due to the innovation of product design and the uniqueness of user testing / Co-creation, afu ™ has also won various international awards such as IF design award in Germany and spark Design Award in the United States etc. afu ™ 是一款元宇宙应用社交 app,主打个人民宿装扮、虚拟郊游及活动赚取代币的功能。我们独创性的将线上空间划分为 2D 和 3D 两类:用户个人的室内空间为 3D 风格,允许用户通过简单的托拉拽来打造个性化空间;也可以跟朋友结伴去户外郊游,并使用我们的 2D 长视频空间来真正满足目前移动端的线上郊游沉浸感。除此之外,用户还可以参与小游戏获取收益,将这些收益用于升级自己精致的室内空间及孵化宠物。该产品志在打造一个打通 web2 和 web3 的爆款产品,目前该产品以收获全网近 70w 粉丝。由于产品设计上的创新性以及用户测试/共创方式的独特型,afu ™ 荣获了德国IF 设计大奖、美国Spark设计奖等各类国际奖项。
Moonshot Web3 2022 Summer Hackathon
MintUs is basically an image version of ENS, but more than that. Our mission is to enable web3 users to build their future identity via NFT. Users can create and mint their unique, personalized avatar NFT, mapped to an integrated profile page storing their addresses, domains and other web3 personal information through image recognition algorithms. When used as PFP across services, the NFT, with profile data behind it, can serve as the user's visualized decentralized identity in web3, making paying, trading, swapping much easier and more vivid beyond the traditional alphanumeric way. MintUs 的产品概念源自图像版本的 ENS,但具有更强的社交属性。我们的愿景是让 web3 用户能够通过 NFT 建立去中心化身份。用户可以使用我们的产品定制专属 NFT 并绑定个人主页。将 NFT 用作各平台个人头像后,可通过图像识别技术便捷安全地跳转至个人主页进行支付或交易。相较于现有身份系统,使用 MintUs 创建的去中心化身份不仅更安全,也会更有趣、更具个性化。
Moonshot Web3 2022 Summer Hackathon
Vrch is committed to bringing the most advanced architectural design methodology - parametric design into the Web3 metaverse to achieve "interaction as creation and minting as building", which will help Web 3 communities build metaverse spaces easily and efficiently. It will also break the barriers between different metaverse platforms and eventually lead to the on-chain open metaverse. Vrch 致力于将建筑学最前沿的参数化设计理论引入 Web3 元宇宙,以实现“交互即创造,铸造即筑造“;帮助 Web3 社区低门槛高效率地构建元宇宙空间。同时借此打通不同元宇宙之间的空间壁垒,最终实现链上原生的开放元宇宙。
Moonshot Web3 2022 Summer Hackathon
Contri.build is a modular web3 community contribution infrastructure. Through modular task tools and in-DAO contribution NFT (SBT), it forms a personal contribution data layer on chain, encourages community members to participate in community construction, and increases the influence of the community. Contri.build 是一个模块化的 web3 社区贡献基础设施,通过模块化的任务工具与 DAO 内贡献NFT(SBT),形成个人链上贡献数据层,激励社区成员参与到社区建设,提升社区的影响力。
Moonshot Web3 2022 Summer Hackathon
MetaMail (metamail.ink) is a Web3 email service provider, users can get their email addresses as ''address@mmail.ink'' or ''ens@mmail.ink''. MetaMail is compatible with traditional email providers such as Gmail. In MetaMail, users can use digital signatures and End-to-end encryption to ensure the security of emails. All features of MetaMail are free and without gas fee. Welcome to use MetaMail! MetaMail (metamail.ink)是一款 Web3 邮箱,用户可以获得自己 地址@mmail.ink 或者 ens@mmail.ink 的邮箱地址,MetaMail 邮箱兼容普通邮箱如 Gmail,用户可以使用数字签名与端到端加密来确保邮件安全,并且所有的功能都是免费的不需要 gas fee。
Moonshot Web3 2022 Summer Hackathon
0xcreator_ labs
Creators of paid content face two main challenges in monetization: weak bargaining power versus the big platforms and the lack of direct relationships with their audience; and no effective mechanism for distributing and syndicating their content, as reflected in the limited number of consumers they can reach and the low conversion rate. At 0xCreator Labs, we set out to provide a tool that allows creators to depict their content as "copyright NFT" (c-NFT) and define content access using multiple copies of "reading NFT" (r-NFT). We aim to create the infrastructure on which creators can sell r-NFTs to content consumers through various open channels (i.e. dApps). Readers can only access the token-gated content if they hold the correspondent rNFT. In the future, we envisage developing a content marketplace and an economic system to facilitate higher efficiency in distributing and syndicating paid content. Eventually, creators can circumvent the dominating platforms while achieving a higher level of independence and more effective monetization. 目前,付费内容的创作者主要面临两个变现难题:相对于大平台来说,议价权较弱,直接拥有的用户数据较少;除了自身流量之外,他们缺乏好的内容售卖和分发机制,可触达的用户体量和转化率都有限。因此 0xCreator Labs 决定提供这样一个工具:创作者可以将自己内容的版权铸造为 cNFT;将自己的内容的阅读权限铸造为多份 reading NFT,并通过各种开放渠道将 rNFT 售卖给读者,只有持有了 rNFT,才能看到对应内容原文。在未来,我们会开发相应的内容交易市场,通过相应的经济模型,进一步提高付费内容的分发效率。最终,创作者可以绕开大平台,发行真正属于自己的付费内容,并获得较好销量。
Moonshot Web3 2022 Summer Hackathon
MapNova is a crowdsourcing high-definition map project powered by web3.0. Our goal is to create the world's first full-coverage HD map, enabling faster and safer arrival of autonomous driving above L3. Using the web3.0 native economic system, MapNova allows users to drive, collect data, and earn money while maximizing the coverage and update frequency of HD maps. MapNova 是一个由 web3.0 赋能的高精度地图众包项目。利用 web3.0 原生的经济系统,MapNova 可以让用户可以一边开车、一边采集数据、一边赚钱,最大程度的提高高精度地图的覆盖广度和更新频率。传统的标清地图,是几乎中心化生意的运行方式,公司和员工是雇佣关系,公司背后的资本获取最多和最长远的收益。 MapNova 在尝试改变生产关系,让人们变成地图的拥有者。数据归采集者所有,不管是广告公司,汽车公司,还是自动驾驶公司想要使用地图数据,都需要向采集者付费。因为极大的工作量与高更新频率需求,高精度地图天生不能以中心化的方式进行生产,所以众包是最好的选择。
Moonshot Web3 2022 Summer Hackathon
The DID & name card focus on the web3 buidlers. When considering about the grand vision of constructing DeSoc based on Blockchain, NonceGeekDAO believes that creating DID & Verifiable Credential for Builder groups and the on chain SoulCard which can represent the buidler souls in ethnic groups(DAOs) are the most important first step. 当考虑到未来基于区块链构建分布式社会的需求,NonceGeekDAO 相信,构建面向Buidler 群体的数字身份及可信凭证,以及可以展现身处于族群(DAO)中的 buidler 灵魂的名片是最重要的第一步。
Moonshot Web3 2022 Summer Hackathon
ShineX is a Social2Earn protocol. Users who installed our browser plug-in, can get token as rewards with actions such as liking/commenting/forwarding on Web2 platform. By using IP as the dimension, we will collect data in Web2 and convert it into the IP of the Web3 crypto community, and issue NFT through the team. Users can regard ShineX's token as a reward for distribution and creation; it also able to carry the function of community governance, and users can empower and pledge their favorite IP by ShineX’s tokens. As a protocol layer solution, ShineX will support more DAPP to access our related services by ShineX’s token. Click here to learn more: https://shinex.club ShineX 是一个 Social2Earn 协议,用户安装我们的浏览器插件就可以在传统 Web2 的平台上通过点赞/评论/转发等操作获得通证奖励。我们会把 Web2 的数据以 IP 为维度聚合起来,转化为 Web3 crypto 社区的 IP,通过团队发行 NFT。用户可以将 ShineX 的通证视作传播与创作行为的奖励通证;它也能够承载社区治理的功能,用户能够通过通证为喜欢的 IP 赋能质押;作为协议层,未来 ShineX 也支持更多的 DAPP 用通证获取我们的相关服务。 了解更多:https://shinex.club
Moonshot Web3 2022 Summer Hackathon
Babel is an AI-based personal information collection and summary assistant that integrates info (including tweets, group chats, etc.) from various public and private domain channels or platforms, identifies and categorizes them by topic (such as crypto, NFT, Alpha project, etc.), find key information through NLP technology and summarize. So Babel help us quickly identify high-value information, not only improve the signal-to-noise ratio, but also greatly improve the information density. At the same time, for individuals, the summaries come entirely from their own information sources, and they are all original by AI, so they also bring the value of secondary communication. Babel will also upload the summary algorithm to the chain, allowing the summary algorithm to be held by each user. Babel 是个基于人工智能的个人专属情报收集及总结助理,将各种公域、私域渠道或平台的信息(包括推文、群聊等)进行整合,并按话题进行识别分类(如 crypto、NFT、Alpha 项目等),通过 NLP 技术识别关键信息并进行提炼总结,从而帮助快速识别高价值信息,不仅提升了信噪比,也大幅提升了信息密度。同时对个人而言,总结完全来自于自己的情报源,且均为 AI 原创,因此也带来了二级传播的价值。Babel 也将把总结算法部署到链上,让总结算法被每个用户自己持有。
Moonshot Web3 2022 Summer Hackathon
MappingFunk, a decentralized marketplace for interest-bearing assets Helping web3-native interest-bearing assets (especially in early markets) achieve price discovery & real-time trading & perfect hedging Core Usecases i)Help PoW miners to swap and hedge their positions ($36B mining revenue in 2021 for instance, bridging DeFi, can triple the TVL) ii)Enable protocols raise cryptos with value-captured bonds or tokens and fully mitigate the impermanent loss for liquidity providers iii)Bridge crypto-native and traditional finance, all asset classes accessible in one DApp, (similar protocols like Synthetix & Mirror can only acquire price exposure, but not cash flow, and cannot be appllied to early market without price oracle) 帮助生息资产(尤其是在早期的非充分有效的加密原生市场中)达成价格发现、提升交易效率、创建衍生品工具 核心应用场景 i)帮PoW矿工轻松实现换仓、交易、对冲 ii)帮加密原生的项目进行债券或有价值捕获的代币融资 iii)通过一个 DApp 可投资全球所有资产,打通加密金融和传统金融
Moonshot Web3 2022 Summer Hackathon
Cluster3 is a platform for creators and their true fans to build NFT-based creator economy. 1. Connecting true fans through NFT-based memberships We help creators create NFT-based memberships and set a variety of entry thresholds. Turn community into social capital, Cluster 3 takes all. 2. Tokenize your content with NFTs, switching from content creator to community asset issuer. Turn pictures, videos, web links, pdfs or 3D types into NFT, and make your content exclusive to your community. 3. Be the independent platform Independent domain, fully owned by the communities and creators. Build your own creator economy. Cluster3 提供两个核心功能:基于 NFT 的社群身份管理与基于 social token 的社群激励发行。 1. 通过基于 NFT 的会员资格连接真正的粉丝 我们帮助创作者创建基于 NFT 的会员资格并设置各种进入门槛,将社区转变为社交资本。 2. 使用 NFT Tokenize Web2 平台的内容,从内容创建者转换为社区资产发行方 将图片、视频、网络链接、pdf 或 3D 类型转换为 NFT,并使您的内容专属于您的社区。 3.成为独立的平台 独立域名,完全归社区和创作者所有,建立自己的创造者经济。
Moonshot Web3 2022 Summer Hackathon
Web3_ Analytics
Web3 Analytics is the first one-stop Web3 data service center designed for the next generation Internet, Web3.0. For data validation, production, analysis, trading, and data support for other Web3 applications. W3A is also a Web3 Foundation grants program. Features: -Zero-code tools Query & Analyze data without coding. W3A wraps the SQL language into visual UI graphics. You can query and process data, turn results into graphical charts, and even construct an analytics dashboard with a few clicks. -Own your data & creation. You own anything you create, including dashboards, reports, and data. Your ownerships are digitally certified with NFTs in your wallet. -Data and decentralized finance. The data is scored accordingly by the referrer of the data and the number of references, and Token incentives are given to users who provide the data according to their scores. Web3 Analytics 的用户可以无需代码查询并分析处理数据,而结果可直接转换为图形、图表,甚至只需几次点击就可以构建一个数据分析仪表板。 Web3 Analytics 还引入了代币经济学模型及 DataFi,使得用户拥有其数据所有权和控制权,并可将其货币化,创建了一个面向数据创造者的经济系统。 同时,W3A 也是 Web3 基金会 Grant 资助项目之一。
Moonshot Web3 2022 Summer Hackathon
The underlying layer built with MPC (multi-party computation) technology and zero knowledge is a de-trusted network, the private key is not generated on the user side and no one owns the private key, decentralized de-trusted nodes store part of the information and privacy exists between nodes, which is different from Multsign and all non-custodial type wallets, and its underlying paradigm builds an extremely secure information Confidentiality system, upper layer decentralized applications can easily and easily build asset management system based on this wallet. 以 MPC(multi-party computation)技术以及零知识构建的底层为去信任化网络,私钥不在用户侧生成,也没有人拥有私钥,去中心化去信任化节点存储部分信息,节点之间有隐私存在,区别于 Multsign 以及所有非托管类钱包,其底层范式构建极度安全的信息保密体系,上层去中心化应用可基于该钱包轻松简易构建资产管理系统
Moonshot Web3 2022 Summer Hackathon
LegalDAO is a DAO that aims to uphold justice and order for the Web3.0. LegalDAO is a DAO that brings global lawyers and enthusiastic participants together. LegalDAO’s missions are to perfect the legal framework, make rules, establish industrial standards, help resolve disputes, most importantly, build a protocol for the decentralized self-regulation of the decentralized world, and ultimately uphold order and justice for Web 3.0. The four missions of the LegalDAO are to build “World Law Firm” for Web3, “World SEC” for Web3, “World Arbitral Institution” for Web3, “Batman” for Web3. LegalDAO 是一个 Web3.0 法律人及其他热情参与者联合的组织。LegalDAO 旨在联合 Web3.0 世界向善的力量,完善法律体系,制定规则,建立行业标准,协助解决纠纷,一起构建去中心化世界自我治理的范式,维护 Web3.0 世界的正义与秩序。LegalDAO 致力于建设 Web3.0 的世界律所,Web3.0 的证监会,Web3.0 的世界仲裁庭以及 Web3.0 的蝙蝠侠。
Moonshot Web3 2022 Summer Hackathon
In Cellula, we've implemented the rules of Conway's Game of Life. The logic that controls life in Conway's Game of Life is based on the interactions between each cell and its eight neighboring cells. Based on these four rules, we have created a fully on-chain autonomous life simulation game - Cellula.Players cultivate and evolve unique Life forms, employing various strategies to survive and thrive. 在 Cellula 中,我们已经实现了康威生命游戏的规则。康威生命游戏的逻辑是基于每个细胞与其八个相邻细胞之间的相互作用。基于这些四个规则,我们创建了一个完全基于区块链的自主生命模拟游戏—— Cellula。玩家培育和进化独特的生命形式,并采用各种策略来生存和进化。
SevenX Nitro Hackathon
Loot Royale by BladeDAO
BladeDAO is a decentralized on-chain game studio building games across the L2 stacks. We are dedicated to building games running on ownerless compute, that blurs the line between digital realities and real world. We currently have 2 games in pipeline, one is a fully on-chain battle royale game deployed on lattice testnet and Altlayer. The other one is a factory game with PvP and PvE features focusing on building autonomous worlds. The team won 2nd place in Loot Realm Genesis Grant and 1st place in AGLD grant. Loot Royale 是一款快节奏的全链上大逃杀游戏,角色和地图深度集成Loot NFT。 BladeDAO是一个全链上游戏工作室,正在各种L2技术堆栈上构建游戏。我们致力于打造在去中心化计算环境下运行的游戏,模糊数字世界和现实世界之间的界限。 目前,我们有两款游戏在开发中。其中一款是全链上大逃杀游戏,已部署在lattice测试网和Altlayer。另一款是一款自动化策略游戏,重点是构建自治世界。我们团队曾获得 Loot Realm Genesis Grant第二名、AGLD grant第一名。
SevenX Nitro Hackathon
BranchClash is a fully on-chain tower defense game deployed on multiple chains. It introduces chain collaboration, a unique game mechanism inspired by blockchain technology that is not economically centered. BranchClash aims to break away from the entrenched Play-to-Earn (P2E) game mechanics in the blockchain gaming market and explore gameplay exclusive to blockchain. As an entirely on-chain game, anyone can play it solely through smart contracts, and we also offer a graphical interface at www.branchclash.com for you to enjoy. BranchClash 是一款全链上的塔防链游。 它引入了链式协作,一种受区块链技术启发、不以经济为中心的独特游戏机制。该机制包含继承、合作、以及竞争的元素。 BranchClash 旨在打破现行市场中被 P2E 模式固化的游戏机制,并探索独特的玩法。 作为一款完全链上的游戏,BranchClash 可以仅通过智能合约来玩耍。当然,为了提高游戏体验,我们也提供了使用 Unity 开发的网页版图形化界面(www.branchclash.com )。
SevenX Nitro Hackathon
Autochessia.xyz is an open-source, fully on-chain autobattler game where players can purchase pieces and let them battle automatically. We recently deployed a new test version on Altlayer which generated over 20,000 transactions in 15 days, utilizing optimistic updates to greatly optimize the gaming experience and make it closer to the fluidity of web2 games. We implemented private matchmaking rooms with zero-knowledge proof. Players can freely match and participate in fully automated battle logic, and enjoy rich alliance systems. Planned features include on-chain skills, items, and a RPG map editor on the blockchain. Autochessia.xyz 是一款开源且完全链上化的自走棋游戏,玩家可以购买棋子并让他们自动战斗。我们最近在 Altlayer 部署了新测试版本,在15天内就产生了超过 2 万笔交易,利用乐观更新极大地优化了游戏体验,让其更接近 web2 游戏的流畅度。我们利用零知识证明实现了私人匹配房间,游戏内玩家可以自由匹配参与全自动的战斗逻辑,还包括丰富的羁绊系统。未来我们计划新增链上技能、道具,以及开发链上 RPG 地图编辑器。
SevenX Nitro Hackathon
Chains of the Eternals
Chains of The Eternals is the first open world MMORPG in DeFi. Our goal is to revolutionize the GameFi space by giving players a true gaming experience in a techno fantasy world. Our game is entirely hosted on the blockchain, meaning there are no centralized entities involved. Our inspiration comes from some of the greats like Dofus, Cross Gate, and World of Warcraft. We've taken the best elements from these predecessors to create something special that we think players will truly enjoy in the world of online gaming and DeFi. Chains Of The Eternals 是 DeFi 领域中的首款开放世界多人在线角色扮演游戏(MMORPG)。我们的目标是通过在科技幻想世界中为玩家提供真正的游戏体验来彻底改革 GameFi 领域。我们的游戏完全托管在区块链上,意味着没有中央实体参与。 我们的灵感来自于一些伟大的作品,如 Dofus、Cross Gate 和 World of Warcraft。我们从这些前辈中汲取了最出色的元素,创造出了一款独特的游戏,我们相信玩家会真正喜爱这个结合在线游戏与 DeFi 的世界。#Translated by GPT
SevenX Nitro Hackathon
Nova Chess
Nova Chess is an onchain chess game deployed as an app-specific L2 through Paima Engine's rollup framework. It leverages Paima functionality for features like gasless transactions, support for self-sequencing, cross-chain support through account abstraction, the ability to play vs AI without requiring a centralized oracle, and support for timers without centralized oracles too. Nova Chess 是一个部署为特定应用程序的L2的链上国际象棋游戏,通过 Paima Engine 的 Rollup 框架实现。它利用了 Paima 的功能,例如无需燃料费的交易、支持自主排序、通过账户抽象实现的跨链支持,无需中心化预言机即可与人工智能对战,并支持无需中心化预言机的计时功能。#Translated by GPT
SevenX Nitro Hackathon
Mississippi is a fully on-chain PVP roguelike game. We hope to create an expansive cavern space, containing abundant resources. Players need to explore and exploit as many resources from the cavern as possible within a fixed time limit. Besides, we will "extract" equipment from loot, which can give players specific attributes for each round, such as increased speed from boots. We are pioneering the Autonomous Worlds by integrating with existing game assets and logic such as the Lootverse and experimenting with co-creation with regular players. Mississippi 是一个 PVP Roguelike全链游戏。我们希望创建一个广阔的洞穴场景,其中有丰富的资源,玩家需要在有限的时间内尽可能多地从洞窟中采集资源、和其他玩家互相掠夺、并将资源带出洞外,此外,我们也会深度结合 Loot 生态,比如从「Loot」中提取装备,给玩家每个回合提供特定的属性提升。我们希望通过与现有游戏资产和逻辑结合、以及探索和玩家共创的方式,来建设自治世界。
SevenX Nitro Hackathon
MetaLine X is a comprehensive, fully on- chain WebGame platform built upon the core products of MetaLine. Utilizing Layer3+ end- to-end foundational technology, MetaLine X offers a range of technical services, including engines, tools, SDKs, protocols, and more. This creates a complete WebGame ecosystem for creators, users, and investors within the entire ecosystem. MetaLine X 是一个全链的 WebGame 平台,基于 MetaLine 的核心产品,Layer3+ 全链的底层科技,引擎、工具、SDK、协定等技术服务,为整个生态的创作者、用户、投资者,搭建完整的 WebGame 生态。
SevenX Nitro Hackathon
Gabby World
Gabby World is a fully AI-generated autonomous world of adventures, where users raise AI characters, create scenarios/challenges, and explore to collect experiences – all through turning ideas into on-chain prompts. - Bottom-up AI-generated: we completely delegate the ‘world engine’ to LLM for logic processing. - End-to-end user-generated: all contents, from AI characters to adventures, are generated by users through natural language prompts . - Fully evolving on-chain: all core logics, i.e. prompts, run on-chain as smart contracts. Gabby World 是一个完全由 AI 生成的冒险自主世界,用户可以培养 AI 角色、创建情节/挑战,并探索/收集体验——一切创作的实现都只需要通过将想法转化为上链的提示 ( prompts )。 全 AI 生成:我们完全将“世界引擎”交给大模型来进行逻辑处理 ; 全用户生成:所有内容,从 AI 角色到冒险场景,都由用户通过以自然语言编写提示来生成; 全链上演化:所有核心逻辑(即提示),都以智能合约在链上运行。
SevenX Nitro Hackathon
magipop Forge
Our platform facilitates collaborative narrative projects through "Creathon," a competitive, gamified environment. Leveraging Magiry.AI, we meld diverse ideas into cohesive stories, with blockchain technology ensuring transparent and proper attribution for each contributor. magipop Forge: 一个以兴趣和意义为驱动的共创社区。简化创作者入驻流程,用户可以便捷地发起或加入创意项目,享有相应身份与治理权。 Creathon: 创新的“创作者黑客松”,定期由项目管理者设定目标并发起,鼓励通过游戏化的体验共同创作和展示优质内容。 基于区块链与 LLM 的社区管理:采用链上合约,确保创意协作和社群治理的透明和公正。 LLM 叙事主干: Magiry.AI 帮助提炼核心思想,聚类项目,形成有逻辑的叙事主干。 自动化利益分配: 通过 LLM 记录贡献实现自动化的利益和收益分配,让每个参与者权益得到保障。
SevenX Nitro Hackathon
Trade or Bust
Dive into an on-chain strategy game set in a volatile market. Players craft strategies to amass assets, explore diverse terrains, make covert trades, and manage debts to the central bank. Amidst market unpredictability, your goal is to outwit, out-trade, and outlast your competitors, aiming for ultimate victory in this economic arena. Trade or Bust 以玩家之间的交易策略为玩法核心,玩家需要在有限的时间内,根据个人策略不断积累资产,融资,探索地图,与他人进行暗盘交易以及向中央银行还利息,玩家需要在充满不确定性且随机的市场当中存活下来,取得最后的胜利。
SevenX Nitro Hackathon
Genki Cats
Genki Cats is the fully on-chain mobile game based on the MUD engine. Players can play with their on-chain cats through iOS, Android, Web, and Telegram bots. They can merge items and earn rich on-chain rewards. The creative dual wallet system and gas fee-free mechanism ensure an equal experience with Web2 games while maintaining the decentralization and permanence of the game. 元气猫咪是首个基于 MUD 引擎的移动端全链游戏。玩家可以通过 iOS, 安卓, Web 端以及 Telegram 机器人与他们的链上猫咪进行互动。他们可以合并道具并获得丰厚的链上奖励。创新的双钱包系统和 0 Gas 费机制在实现了与Web2 游戏相当的体验的同时,也保持了游戏去中心化的特性。
SevenX Nitro Hackathon
Slap Master brings together advanced Human Pose Estimation and AIGC technology. Users need to make a real slap action to complete a hit. This game is also a way to express opposing views and vent your emotions. Because users can express their disapproval by slapping characters(also NFTs) in the game that symbolize certain symbols or represent certain views , and these characters will be updated with hot events in the real world, so the player's game video contains Violent emotions are very conducive to sharing on short video platforms. Slap Master 汇聚了前沿的 AI 姿态识别和 AIGC 技术,用户需要做出真实的扇耳光动作才能完成一次击打。同时,游戏也是表达对立观点、发泄情绪的一种方式。 用户玩游戏的视频带有剧烈的情绪,非常适合在短视频平台上分享。因为用户可以通过掌掴游戏中象征某些符号或代表某些观点的角色(也是 NFT )来表达自己的反对态度,而这些角色会随着现实世界中的热点事件而更新 。
SevenX Nitro Hackathon
JoJoWorld is a Generative AI application in Web3. Powered by text-to-3D model technology, JoJoWorld assists global users in exploring 3D spaces and automatically generating scenes and plots. JoJoWorld features a highly creative decentralized 3D data source model and operates within the WorldCoin ecosystem, providing application scenario for UBI users. Headquartered in New York City, JoJoWorld has been selected for the NVIDIA acceleration program and has received investment from Boston family office Hermitage Capital and the Swiss Exchange. JoJoWorld 是生成式人工智能在 web3 的应用。借助文生成 3D 模型技术,JoJoWorld 帮助全球用户探索 3D 空间并自动生成场景和情节。 JoJoWorld 拥有高度创新的去中心化 3D 数据源模型,并在 WorldCoin 生态系统内运作,为 UBI 用户提供应用场景。 总部位于纽约市,JoJoWorld 已被选入 NVIDIA 全球初创加速计划,并获得波士顿家族基金 Hermitage 资本和瑞士交易所的投资。
SevenX Nitro Hackathon
Matrix World
Matrix World, an open virtual world that empowers users to build 3D immersive applications on top of several blockchains. The world is made up of Lands, which are issued as Non-Fungible Token (NFT). In Matrix world, users can build 3D architectures, host virtual meetings, exhibit NFTs, as well as create their own 3D decentralized applications using Matrix’s built-in computation resources. Matrix World,一个开放的虚拟世界,赋予用户在多个区块链之上构建 3D 沉浸式应用的能力。这个世界由土地组成,这些土地以非同质化代币(NFT)的形式发行。在 Matrix 世界中,用户可以构建 3D 建筑,主持虚拟会议,展示NFT,以及利用 Matrix 内置的计算资源创建自己的 3D 去中心化应用程序。
SevenX Nitro Hackathon
MetaInsight is a cutting-edge Web3 search engine designed to serve as your premier AI assistant. It offers immersive previews for standard Web3 entities such as transaction hashes, addresses, token symbols, and domain names. Engage in real-time chats with MetaInsight to access the latest on-chain data. Moreoever, MetaInsight has the ability to interact with smart contracts for users, acting as a comprehensive intent-centric bot for Web3 users. MetaInsight 是一款优秀的 Web3 搜索引擎,旨在作为您的首选AI助手。它为标准的 Web3 实体如交易哈希、地址、代币符号和域名提供身临其境的预览。与 MetaInsight 进行实时聊天,获取最新的链上数据。此外,MetaInsight 还能够为用户与智能合约互动,为 Web3 用户提供一个全面的以意图为中心的机器人。
SevenX Nitro Hackathon
Psychiatric Center for the Degenerate
Psychiatric Center for the Degens is a fully on-chain TCG (trading card game) developed by Khartes Studio. Using our in-house customized zkShuffle smart contract suite, we aim to build an infinitely expandable degen universe where web3 individuals & communities can collaborate and fight against each other in the form of a card game. Psychiatric Center for the Degenerate 是由Khartes Studio 开发的完全基于区块链的TCG(交易卡牌游戏)。 利用我们内部定制的 zkShuffle 智能合约套件,我们旨在构建一个无限扩展的“烂泥宇宙”,在这里 Web3 个体和社群可以以卡牌游戏的形式合作并互相对抗。#Translated by GPT
SevenX Nitro Hackathon
The high cost of GPU hardware is a no-solution problem. Most of AIGC products' incomes are transferred to cloud providers, even the leading products. Monte-Carlo.ai uses Web3 to solve GPU supply. AIGC tasks will be submitted to a blockchain-based jobs scheduler network called Cybros Network. It will help schedule generating tasks to available GPU hardware, balance workload, and monitor health. With the power of Web3, the costs should be reduced to a new level, allowing customers to batch tons of prompts to mine the finest results. GPU 的高成本使得大多数 AIGC 项目不可持续,但随着算法的优化流行的 AIGC 场景能够利用家用级别的算力进行计算,引入去中心化算力将极大的降低 AIGC 产品的启动成本和使用成本,让产品良性的发展下去。 Monte-Carlo.ai 正是这样一个完全建立在去中心化算力上的 AIGC 服务。他由专门解决任务调度的 L2 区块链网络 Cybros Network 支持,投递计算任务后,网络将协助调度任务到可用的算力节点,并监控任务执行的进度,和节点的健康度。
SevenX Nitro Hackathon
'- Data Value Circulation: ully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE) enables the secure sharing of encrypted data calculation results within the network while ensuring data ownership remains with the users. - Easy Deployment: Our solution can be seamlessly integrated into various Layer 1 (L1) and Layer 2 (L2) blockchains or infrastructure ecosystems like Chainlink, Greenfield or Filecoin. - Lower Gas Fees through Decentralized Computation Power: By leveraging decentralized computation power with low gas comsuming.
Solana Hackerhouse
Making creative collaboration in the 'Open Studio' possible. Magiry.ai is a tool for team graphic and text creative collaboration on the Sonala chain. It utilizes a GPT-4-based AI model that automatically analyzes user-posted graphic and text content on the same topic. This includes automatic association and referencing of existing content, copyright confirmation, as well as automatic estimation of 'creative contribution' to the content. Once approved by a token-staked manager (staker), it becomes an automated record of creator tokens.
Solana Hackerhouse
Pinnect — Gamemap Collaboration
Pinnect combines interactive maps and efficient tag management for unique narratives and gaming. Users can interact with storytelling locations, manage tags, and visualize relationships effortlessly. Secure blockchain anchoring ensures fair rewards and cross-platform wallet support streamlines transactions.
Solana Hackerhouse
magipop Creathon
Target Market: Passion Economy, driven by love for craft rather than money or fame, is valued at $450 billion by 2023. Problem: Discord-like platforms often lead to chaos in fan community, with quality content getting buried and creators struggling to monetize. Solution: magipop Creathon enables creators and fans to collaboratively create & showcase narrative projects. Our Magiry.AI connects diverse ideas into a structured map, like LEGO pieces, and records all contributions on-chain for transparent management.
Solana Hackerhouse
OmniBTC is an omnichain DeFi platform that connects all the on-chain liquidity using interoperability protocols such as L0, Wormhole, Celer Network. OmniBTC is also a decentralized cross-chain swap and lend/borrow platform built across multi-VM ecosystems, aiming to connect and unify all the on-chain liquidity for seamless and low-cost cross-chain transactions. We offers a few key features and benefits: Cross-chain Swap: users can realize cross-chain swap with 1-click across multi-VM ecosystems, now supporting EVM, Solana and Move-VM.
Solana Hackerhouse
MoveFlow is a programmable payment protocol that enables pre-defined transaction rules based on time and events. This protocol allows users to set up programmable payment rules that determine when and how payments are made. These rules can be based on time intervals, such as monthly recurring payment, or on specific events and conditions, such as the completion of a task, or the achievement of a milestone.
Solana Hackerhouse